
BennuGD to get an official Android port

Just a quick note to let you know that a few weeks ago, Splinter asked for donations to buy an Eken M003 tablet running Android.

Only a few days later, enough money was collected and he ordered it. That said, and knowing how fast Splinter is getting ports ready, we’ll probably be able to have our games working on our Android (1.5 and over) devices very, very soon.

Also, and thanks to GPH, more new are about to come and more platforms are going to be supported very soon, but I’ll blog about it when it’s ready 🙂

SORR: Uno de los mejores juegos creados con BennuGD

Streets of Rage Remake -SORR, para abreviar- de BoMbErGaMeS es un remake del clásico videojuego Streets of Rage, un arcade del género Beat’em up.
Este juego no sólo es uno de los más impresionantes jamás creados con BennuGD, además los chicos de BoMbErGaMeS han creado un montón de herramientas de modding. Su comunidad de usuarios ha reaccionado creando una larga lista de mods.

Y no sólo eso, han estado posteando sobre su progreso a un gran nivel de detalle en el worklog del proyecto, donde hay mucha información útil allí para gente que quiere crear sus propios videojuegos.

Así que no olvides echar un vistazo al foro de su proyecto para conocerlos un poco mejor y descargar las versiones beta.

Screenshot del nivel 'Lab'

Sigue leyendo para ver unos cuantos vídeos de SORR.


One of the best games ever created with BennuGD: SORR

Streets of Rage Remake -SORR, for short- from BoMbErGaMeS is a remake of the classic arcade Beat’em up game Streets of Rage.
Not only is this game one of the most impressive one ever created with BennuGD, but the guys from BoMbErGaMeS have created a lot of modding tools. Their user community has reacted by creating an extensive list of mods.

Not only that, they have been blogging about their progress to a great level of detail in their project worklog, there’s a lot of useful info there for people who want to create their own games.

So, be sure to check their project forum to get to know them a bit better and download the betas.

Lab level screenshot.

Also, read on for a few videos.

Have fun!