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Forum user FreeYourMind has announced a new experimental project of his. He’s created a Tech Demo for a very simple 3D engine that shows the BennuGD logo with which you can interact in 3D.

You could already do this with Bennu3D by hardware, but FreeYourMind’s created this all in software. If you want to have a look, you can get his demo (for Windows, Linux & the Wiz) here.

Also, forum user Grisendo has created a module based on wiiuse to control your games on PC with the Wii’s standard controller: the Wiimote.
Grisendo has stated that he’ll merge the module with the existing unofficial Bennu port for the Wii (created by your favourite writer) so that you can write the same BennuGD code for your games in your PCs and for the Wii.
You can get his module here (Spanish).